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vql to get only the exact database URI for data source in Denodo

HI team, do we have some system table, or vql command, which get only the exact database URI for a Denodo data source, for example we only want to get below kind of information: I understand we have "desc datasource JDBC data_source_name" can get above inforamtion, but it return much information, what we want to get is only the database URI information. Thanks.
13-02-2021 03:06:12 -0500

3 Answers

Hi, To obtain only the database URI of the datasource, I would perform the below steps in the Virtual DataPort Administration Tool: * **[Create a JDBC datasource](** by selecting the appropriate Denodo Virtual DataPort adapter as the Database adapter and provide necessary details. * Then, create a base view using the **[create from query](** option and use the **[DESC](** command with **[interpolation variables](** like ‘**Desc datasource @datasource_type @datasource_name**’ * Navigate to **Options** -> **Search methods** of the created base view and in the **wrapper source configuration** section, I would set the ‘**Delegate SQL sentence as subquery**’ as ‘**NO**’ in order to send the query to the datasource directly instead of sending as a subquery. * Then, **[create a selection view](** upon this base view to get only the Connection URI as the output field. Now, when I execute this selection view by providing the database name and data source name, I was able to get the Database URI information for the inputs specified. You can take a look at a similar community **[data source connection string information](** for more information. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
15-02-2021 06:29:18 -0500
Thanks for your reply, so for the first step "Create a JDBC datasource selecting the appropriate Denodo Virtual DataPort adapter as the Database adapter", not very understand, what is the " appropriate Denodo Virtual DataPort adapter"? Can I use an oracle adapeter? does it mean to create a datasource to connect any denodo VDP? can this data soruce to connect to the VDP that this data source in?
16-02-2021 08:36:12 -0500
Hi, To query the **[DESC](** command, Virtual DataPort server has to connect to itself by creating Virtual DataPort server as a data source. For creating the Virtual DataPort server as a data source , I would **[create a JDBC datasource](** by selecting the **Virtual DataPort 8.0** as the **Database adapter** from the drop down list. Then, I would configure the default **Database URI** for the Virtual DataPort server like **“jdbc:vdb://localhost:9999/admin”** and provide the authentication credentials for establishing the connection. You can take a look at the **[Supported JDBC Data Sources](** section of the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide for the list of supported Virtual DataPort Adapters in Denodo Platform. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
23-02-2021 00:23:51 -0500
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