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UDF ReadBinary

Hello Denodo, I'm currently facing a blocker while attempting to migrate a User-defined function from SQL Server to Denodo. I'm unsure how to convert the script into Denodo-compatible format. I've tried following the guidance provided here: However, I find it difficult to comprehend the documentation without any accompanying examples or instructional videos to follow. I would greatly appreciate your assistance with this matter. Thank you. The script is here > ``` /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[udf_ReadBinary] Script Date: 8/4/2024 12:03:10 PM ******/ --Created by Arnel Labastilla 10-Aug-2017 --Reference link -- CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_ReadBinary](@bin AS varbinary(8000), @idx AS int) RETURNS sql_variant AS BEGIN DECLARE @pos AS int; SET @pos = 1; DECLARE @i AS int; SET @i = 1; DECLARE @off AS int; DECLARE @ret AS sql_variant; IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 2) = 0x07FD BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 2; WHILE @idx > 0 AND SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) <> 0xFF BEGIN IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) = 0x00 --STRING BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 1; SET @off = 0; SET @ret = ''; WHILE SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + @off, 2) <> 0x0000 BEGIN SET @ret = CAST(@ret AS varchar(8000)) + CHAR(CAST(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + @off, 2)) AS binary(2))) SET @off = @off + 2; END SET @pos = @pos + @off + 2; END ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) = 0x01 --INT BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 1; SET @ret = CAST(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 4)) AS binary(4)); SET @ret = CAST(@ret AS int); SET @pos = @pos + 4; END ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) = 0x02 --REAL BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 1; DECLARE @temp as binary(8); SET @temp = CAST(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + 2, 8)) AS binary(8)); DECLARE @val bigint; SET @val = 0; DECLARE @dec AS int; SET @off = 1; WHILE (@off <= 8) BEGIN SET @val = (@val * 100) + (CAST(SUBSTRING(@temp, @off, 1) AS int) / 0x10 * 10) + (CAST(SUBSTRING(@temp, @off, 1) AS int) % 0x10); SET @off = @off + 1; END WHILE @val <> 0 AND @val % 10 = 0 SET @val = @val / 10; SET @dec = (CAST(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) AS int) + 0x80) % 0x100; SET @ret = CAST(@val AS real); WHILE @dec >= LEN(CAST(@val AS varchar)) + 0x80 BEGIN SET @ret = CAST(@ret AS real) * 10.0; SET @dec = @dec - 1; END SET @dec = (CAST(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) AS int) + 0x80) % 0x100 + 1; WHILE @dec < LEN(CAST(@val AS varchar)) + 0x80 BEGIN SET @ret = CAST(@ret AS real) / 10.0; SET @dec = @dec + 1; END IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + 1, 1) = 0x80 SET @ret = 0 - CAST(@ret AS real); SET @pos = @pos + 10; END ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) = 0x03 --DATE BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 1; DECLARE @year char(4); DECLARE @month char(2); DECLARE @day char(2); SET @year = SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) + 1900; SET @month = SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + 1, 1) + 1; SET @day = SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + 2, 1) + 1; IF LEN(@month) < 2 SET @month = '0' + @month; IF LEN(@day) < 2 SET @day = '0' + @day; SET @ret = CAST(@year + '-' + @month + '-' + @day AS date); SET @pos = @pos + 3; END ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) = 0x04 --ENUM BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 1; SET @ret = CAST(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) AS int); SET @pos = @pos + 3; END ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) = 0x06 --DATETIME BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 1; DECLARE @year2 char(4); DECLARE @month2 char(2); DECLARE @day2 char(2); DECLARE @hour char(2); DECLARE @min char(2); DECLARE @sec char(2); SET @year2 = SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) + 1900; SET @month2 = SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + 1, 1) + 1; SET @day2 = SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + 2, 1) + 1; SET @hour = SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + 3, 1) + 0; SET @min = SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + 4, 1) + 0; SET @sec = SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + 5, 1) + 0; IF LEN(@month2) < 2 SET @month2 = '0' + @month2; IF LEN(@day2) < 2 SET @day2 = '0' + @day2; IF LEN(@hour) < 2 SET @hour = '0' + @hour; IF LEN(@min) < 2 SET @min = '0' + @min; IF LEN(@sec) < 2 SET @sec = '0' + @sec; SET @ret = CAST(@year2 + '-' + @month2 + '-' + @day2 + ' ' + @hour + ':' + @min + ':' + @sec AS datetime); SET @pos = @pos + 12; END ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) = 0x07 --CONTAINER BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 1; DECLARE @len int; SET @len = DATALENGTH(@bin) - (@pos - 1); --SET @len = dbo.CONSIZE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, @len)); --ORIGINAL CODE SET @len = dbo.udf_CONSIZE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, @len)); --Modified by Arnel Labastilla 10/08/2017 SET @ret = SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, @len); SET @pos = @pos + @len; END ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) = 0x2D --GUID BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 1; SET @off = 0; SET @ret = CAST( REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 4)) + REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + 4, 4)) + REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + 8, 4)) + REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + 12, 4) ) AS binary(16)); SET @ret = CAST(@ret AS uniqueidentifier); SET @pos = @pos + 16; END ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) = 0x30 --BLOB BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 1; SET @off = CAST(CAST(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 4)) AS binary(4)) AS int); SET @pos = @pos + 4; SET @ret = CAST(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, @off) AS varbinary(8000)); SET @pos = @pos + @off; END ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) = 0x31 --INT64 BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 1; SET @ret = CAST(CAST(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 8)) AS binary(8)) AS bigint); SET @pos = @pos + 8; END ELSE IF SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) = 0xFC --ENUMLABEL BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 1; DECLARE @value int; DECLARE @name varchar(40); SET @value = SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1); SET @pos = @pos + 1; SET @off = 0; SET @name = ''; WHILE SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + @off, 2) <> 0x0000 BEGIN SET @name = CAST(@name AS varchar(40)) + CHAR(CAST(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + @off, 2)) AS binary(2))) SET @off = @off + 2; END SET @ret = CAST(@name + ':' + CAST(@value as varchar(3)) as varchar(44)); SET @pos = @pos + @off + 2; END ELSE SET @ret = NULL; IF @i = @idx RETURN @ret ELSE BEGIN SET @i = @i + 1; SET @ret = NULL; END END RETURN NULL; END RETURN @ret END GO ```
08-04-2024 19:59:34 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, There is a [Custom Components]( tutorial on how to develop a Virtual DataPort Custom Function. I recommend also looking into the sample custom functions that are located in the following directory path: `*<DENODO_HOME>\samples\vdp\customFunctions\src\com\denodo\vdp\demo\function\custom*` . This directory provides examples on creating custom functions. Within the directory designated for functions, there is a compiler which will output the jar to the target directory. For more information on developing custom functions in Virtual DataPort, you can refer to the section titled [Developing Custom Functions that Can Be Delegated to a Database]( guide. This section provides insights into the process of creating custom functions and how they can be delegated to a database. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
11-04-2024 19:21:43 -0400
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