There is a [community question](https://community.denodo.com/answers/question/details?questionId=9064u000000HAe5AAG&title=Is+it+possible+to+track+when+a+view+was+dropped%3F%3F+or+by+who%3F#:~:text=Any%20activity%20performed%20in%20the,and%20in%20the%20vdp%2Dqueries.) I think you will find helpful in answering your question. In it there is mention of the Denodo Monitoring Tool which monitors all activity that happens in Virtual DataPort, including the deletion of views. If the Denodo Monitoring Tool was up and running before the deletion of the views, the details would have been recorded in a log file. For a standalone monitor, the information will be in the `vdp-queries.log` file located under the `<DENODO_HOME>\tools\monitor\denodo-monitor\denodo-monitor\logs directory.` Refer to the KB article [Auditing User Access in Virtual DataPort](https://community.denodo.com/kb/en/view/document/Auditing%20User%20Access%20in%20Virtual%20DataPort) for more information regarding the creation of base views over this log file. For an explanation of the columns in Denodo Monitor logs visit the [Log Column Details](https://community.denodo.com/kb/en/view/document/Log%20column%20details) Knowledge Base article. If Denodo Monitor is not up and running, visit the [Launching the Denodo Monitor](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en/vdp/administration/monitoring_the_virtual_dataport_server/denodo_monitor/launching_the_denodo_monitor) page of the administration guide for instructions on setting up the standalone Denodo Monitor.
To learn about Solution Manager monitors, the [Monitoring](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/solution_manager/administration/monitoring/monitoring) section of the Solution Manager Guide explains how to use this feature. Furthermore the log files are stored in the folder `<SOLUTION_MANAGER_HOME>/resources/solution-manager-monitor/work`. Within this folder, the different types of logs can be found:
Log files of environments: <EnvironmentName>/logs
Log files of clusters: <EnvironmentName>/<ClusterName>/logs
Log files of servers: <EnvironmentName>/<ClusterName>/<ServerName>/logs
There is also a web application option for graphically representing the data collected by Denodo Monitors using the Denodo Monitor Reports web application. For more information on how to deploy Denodo Monitor Reports as well as configuring different reports and how to read those reports, refer to the [Denodo Monitor Reports - User Manual](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/document/denodoconnects/7.0/Denodo%20Monitor%20Reports%20-%20User%20Manual).
I can also see that you are a customer with a valid support account so if you need to dive more in-depth into the issue, I suggest escalating this to be a support case on the support site.
Hope this helps!