**Yes**, it is possibe to connect to Denodo Platform using JDBC Connection and authenticate with Kerberos. For configuring the Kerberos authentication for JDBC connectivity, you can take a look at [**Connecting to Virtual DataPort Using Kerberos Authentication**](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/latest/en/vdp/developer/access_through_jdbc/connecting_to_virtual_dataport_using_kerberos_authentication/connecting_to_virtual_dataport_using_kerberos_authentication) section of Virtual DataPort Developer Guide for more information about configuring the JDBC driver properties that is distributed with Denodo Platform installation.
Then, you could copy the Denodo JDBC driver that can be found in the folder "<DENODO_HOME>/tools/client-drivers/jdbc/**denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver.jar**" of a Denodo Platform installation to the folder "<BO_HOME>/dataAccess/connectionServer/drivers/java".
After that, you could follow all the steps mentioned in the Knowledge Base Article [**How to access VDP from SAP BusinessObjects**](https://community.denodo.com/kb/en/view/document/How to access VDP from SAP BusinessObjects) to configure the necessary files then establish the JDBC connection.
Besides, we also encourage you to read this [**SAP Article**](https://blogs.sap.com/2013/12/04/configuring-jdbc-driver-and-creating-connection) for more information.
Hope this helps!