I was able to generate a **Trace plan** and check the Trace element in my local environment as per the steps in the [**Denodo Testing Tool**](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/document/denodoconnects/8.0/en/Denodo%20Testing%20Tool%20-%20User%20Manual#h.hkd0pejmr21v) documentation and this documentation contains a example on how to use the [**trace directive**](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/document/denodoconnects/8.0/en/Denodo%20Testing%20Tool%20-%20User%20Manual#h.hkd0pejmr21v:~:text=following%20is%20an-,example,-of%20several%20TRACE).
Denodo uses the [**MVEL**](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Transwiki:MVEL_Language_Guide) expression to look at the Trace elements.
If the element of the trace contains a **string**, you could ensure that the string is enclosed within a **single quote** (‘’).
**For example:**
PLAN ABC.PLAN DEF.staticO == **‘false’**
Hope this helps!