From my understanding, I believe that below is your requirement.
For example, if 2024-02-05 is the date, then the previous month's date is 2024-01-05 and if you want to get the last day of 2024-01-05, then 31 is the last day of 2024-01-05.
If my above understanding is correct, then you could use the DOCUMENT_FIELD_NAME variable which takes the value of a field from the exported document. In order to do this, you can include a date field which provides the last day of the previous month's date in your query by executing the query in the Extraction Section as:
`Select <column_names>,getday(LASTDAYOFMONTH(addmonth(<your_date_column>,-1))) as last_day from <view_name>`
and use the field name ‘last_day’ in the output file path of the Exporter section i.e, as DOCUMENT_FIELD_NAME variable like:
`@{field:<DOCUMENT_FIELD_NAME>,inputDateFormat: <input_format>,outputDateFormat: <output_format>}`
where <DOCUMENT_FIELD_NAME> can be replaced as last_day column.
For more information, you can refer to [Postprocessing Section (Exporters)](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/latest/en/scheduler/administration/creating_and_scheduling_jobs/configuring_new_jobs/postprocessing_section_exporters) section of Scheduler Administration Guide.
Hope this helps!