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launch a denodo job from the command line

Hallo Denodo Team, Our customer requires that we schedule Denodo Jobs (VDPCache) using an external tool (IBM TWS). I understand, from the documentation and the knowledge base (where I found a question about Tidal) that in order to do this we should open a JDBC connection to Denodo and have Denodo execute a VQL query for each cached view. Is this the only way? Wouldn't it be possible to create a Job within vdpadmin (or the scheduler administration tool) and launch it from outside with a command line? Perhaps using Stored Procedures in conjunction with a JMS Listener? Thank for your attention Kind Regards Alberto
09-01-2019 04:55:51 -0500

1 Answer

Hi, You can create [jobs]( using the Scheduler Administration Tool and can launch this Denodo Scheduler Jobs through [Scheduler Client API]( You can find the sample scripts and instructions under the folder <Denodo_home>/samples/scheduler/scheduler-api. For more details, you can refer to a similar community question [Denodo scheduler job trigger based on external jobs.]( Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
10-01-2019 02:03:37 -0500
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