I tried the same and I was able to call the data set. Please follow the steps below.
1. Create a new JSON datasource and select the Data Route as “HTTP Client”
2. Select HTTP Method as “GET”, give the URL and save the datasource. You can also create the datasource by using an interpolation variable in the URL in the following way:
a. "api.census.gov/data/2015/acs1/cprofile?get=**@{profile_input}**&for=state:*&key=".
By doing that, you must fill the variable "profile_input" when executing the created base view.
3. Create a baseview and do a Flatten operation on top of the base view.
4. Now when you execute the flattened view you will be able to see the data set.
To know more about JSON data sources, please read [“JSON Sources”](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/6.0/vdp/administration/creating_views/importing_data_sources_and_creating_base_views/json_sources#json-sources) of the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide.
Hope this helps.