This configuration is very common and should work.
1. Make sure you have the ODBC driver update that match the your current VDP update, you can download the driver from [here](https://community.denodo.com/drivers/odbc/7.0).
2. Double check the DSN configuration, especially Datasource page for Windows, or *denodoDSN.template* parameters for Linux: [Set Up a DSN on Windows](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/vdp/developer/access_through_odbc/configuration_of_the_odbc_driver_on_windows/configuration_of_the_odbc_driver_on_windows#set-up-a-dsn-on-windows) or [Set Up a DSN on Linux and Other UNIX](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/vdp/developer/access_through_odbc/configuration_of_the_odbc_driver_in_linux_and_other_unix/configuration_of_the_odbc_driver_in_linux_and_other_unix#configuration-of-the-odbc-driver-in-linux-and-other-unix).
In addition, if you are using Windows Authentication with Kerberos, double check the configuration under *Advanced options* as shown here [Windows authentication](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/document/denodoconnects/7.0/en/Denodo%20Power%20BI%20Custom%20Connector%20-%20User%20Manual).
3. If the error is still present, open VQL Shell in Design Studio o VDP Administration Tool and temporary increase log level:
`CALL LOGCONTROLLER('com.denodo.vdp.requests', 'INFO')`
By default all requests are logged in `<DENODO_HOME>/logs/vdp/vdp-requests.log`.
Try executing the connectivity test again or use the same user to login in **VDP Administration Tool**. When you obtain the error check the *vdp-requests.log* file.
Hope this helps