It is possible to configure the following options for any environment if VCS is configured on the Solution Manager:
* **Save backup in VCS when the deployment finishes**: If selected, a backup of the deployment will be saved in the VCS you have configured. The backup will be performed both for successful and unsuccessful deployments, using the metadata of the first enabled server in the first enabled cluster. The solution manager stores the deployment of the VCS identifier of the backup.
* **Execute rollback when the deployment fails in the first server**: The first enabled server of the first enabled cluster of the environment works as a test base for the deployment. If this option is selected and the deployment fails there, the Solution Manager search the latest successful deployment in the target environment and if that deployment has a backup stored in vcs then import the metadata stored in vcs in the Virtual DataPort and scheduler servers of the environment. Finally, the Solution Manager store the VCS identifier used to do the rollback.
Therefore, in order to rollback to a previous revision, you need to download the VQL of the deployment backup from the VCS. To do so, you can follow the article on [Download Backup Data for a Deployment](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/solution_manager/administration/promotions/deployments_table/deployments_table#download-backup-data-for-a-deployment).Then you may create a revision on Solution Manager by loading the VQL and deploy that revision from the Solution Manager. You can refer to the documentation on [Load Revisions from VQL](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/solution_manager/administration/promotions/revisions_from_vql/revisions_from_vql) for the steps.
You can also refer to the article on [Configuring Deployments](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/solution_manager/administration/environments/configuring_environments/configuring_deployments#configuring-deployments) and [VCS Configuration](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/solution_manager/administration/configuration/vcs_configuration/vcs_configuration#vcs-configuration) to get more information.
Hope this helps!