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NULL Function usages.

Dear All, **convert(date,a.createddt,112) between b.EffectiveFrom and Cast(isnull(b.EffectiveTo,getdate()) as DATE) ** The above code was written in SQL Server. As I am using the Excel data is my data source. I want to convert the above syntax to DENOTO Tool Dervied View function. Please provide your suggestion on the same. Regards, Senthil
30-04-2018 06:25:47 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, For that kind of scenarios, I find very useful this Denodo KB document: [Microsoft SQL Server SQL to Denodo VQL Quick Reference]( where you can see how SQL Server dialect translates to VQL. For instance, you can translate your statement like this: `... cast(todate('yyyymmdd', 'yourdatefield') as date) between cast(todate('yyyymmdd', 'yourdatefield') as date) and cast(coalesce(‘yourdatefield’, now()) as date) ...` Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
03-05-2018 11:08:23 -0400
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