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error when committing changes

Using version 6.0 of Denodo and I encounter the following error when trying to commit the changes about the Jar file This operation cannot inlcude non-modified, non-marked-for-deletion out of sync elements. Update these elements again or alternatively, modify or remove them. The following elements are out of sync /extensions/jars/denodo-xtrafuncs-vdp-string-6.0.
19-06-2018 12:05:32 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, This was a known issue and was already solved and included in the latest Denodo Platform 6.0 update. I would recommend you to download “denodo-vdp-v60-update-20180216” from the [Support Site]( and install the update. To be able to download it, you would need a valid support user. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
20-06-2018 12:29:39 -0400
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