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Changing JDBC Connection Password with VQL

Hi, I need help constructing the correct VQL to change the password for a JDBC connection within VDP? I believe it is something like: ALTER DATASOURCE JDBC *connectionname* ENCRYPT_PASSWORD '*thisisthenewpassword'*;
15-09-2021 11:46:28 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, In order to change the password for a JDBC connection using VQL, I would use a sample statement like below. `ALTER DATASOURCE JDBC <nameofJDBCdatasource> USERNAME = '<username>' USERPASSWORD = '********' ENCRYPTED;` For the USERPASSWORD, I would recommend using the VQL statement ENCRYPT_PASSWORD ‘<your_password>’ to encrypt the password first, then paste the encrypted password to the VQL statement above. If you still need help and you have a valid support user account, please open a new support case at the [Denodo Support site]( so that the support team can assist you. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
17-09-2021 01:49:43 -0400
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