The FORMATDATE function will be pushed down to the JDBC/ODBC data sources if this function is included in the scalar functions list of “Source Configuration” tab. If a view or a query uses the function FORMATDATE and this function is delegated to a database, you should only use a date pattern (parameter date_pattern) supported by the database. Otherwise, the query will fail.
If you use a date pattern which is not supported by the data source, then you can avoid delegating the function ‘FORMATDATE’ to the data source. To do this, remove the FORMATDATE function from the “Delegate Scalar Functions List” of the “Source configuration” tab of the JDBC/ODBC data sources.
For more information you can have a look at the section [Data Source Configuration Properties](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/6.0/vdp/administration/creating_views/importing_data_sources_and_creating_base_views/data_source_configuration_properties) of Virtual DataPort Administration Guide and and Knowledge Base Article [Scalar functions list in a data source](https://community.denodo.com/kb/view/document/Scalar%20functions%20list%20in%20a%20data%20source?category=Data+Sources).
Hope this helps!