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Issue Masking JSON data with Denodo

I am facing issue to mask data where the source is JSON file using Denodo. Which Steps I did : I connected JSON file and create BaseView on that. Then Flatten the BaseView. Then Create Role and Add Privileges on Role Level. Next create User and Assign the Role to the user.
29-09-2022 04:36:43 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, I can understand that you are facing an issue while masking data. In that case, I would check the following: * The user I login to is not a global administrator or admin user since the restrictions do not apply to them. * The masking expressions for the sensitive fields are set properly. For more details refer to the [Fine-Grained Privileges at View Level]( and [Modifying and Deleting Users]( section of the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
30-09-2022 03:05:12 -0400
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