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Remote table Creation

Hi All, I am trying to create remote table in VQL shell and it gives syntax error between Create and remote Please help me to create a remote table in mysql already enabled the bulk data load api and mysql varaible local_infile to on Not able to see the option create remote table from GUI CREATE REMOTE TABLE remote_demo INTO admin.customvdpcachedatasource AS SELECT * FROM bv_view1 WHERE load_fromdate=date '2019-03-17' AND load_todate=date '2020-03-17'
17-03-2020 08:49:35 -0400

3 Answers

Hi, Based on a [bug of the MySQL](, there could either be an error with the syntax or the syntax has been changed for the operation to perform bulk data loads. After disabling bulk data load api for MySQL, I was able to successfully execute the CREATE REMOTE TABLE operation. If you are still trying to create remote table with bulk data load api enabled, and if you have a valid support account, perhaps you can raise a case for the Support Team to review this issue. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
18-03-2020 02:19:55 -0400
We are getting error in the syntax in the VQL Shell Is syntax is correct CREATE REMOTE TABLE remote_demo INTO admin.customvdpcachedatasource AS SELECT * FROM bv_view1 WHERE load_fromdate=date ‘2019-03-17’ AND load_todate=date ‘2020-03-17’
18-03-2020 04:43:23 -0400
Hi, The syntax I was referring to would be the underlying SQL sentence that is executed in MySQL to use bulk data load api. The VQL syntax that you have is correct, however as mentioned in the previous comment, MySQL might have some syntax changes in order to perform bulk data loads. Therefore, the syntax you have provided will work if you disable bulk data load api for MySQL. If you are still trying to create remote table with bulk data load api enabled, and if you have a valid support account, perhaps you can raise a case for the Support Team to review this issue. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
08-04-2020 02:13:14 -0400
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