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Export the Gathered Statistics of a Base View (or any View)

I would like to Export the Gathered Statistics of a Base View (or any View), and apply those to the same view but in another Denodo server. Please let me know how I can do so.
13-02-2018 17:17:55 -0500

1 Answer

Hi, For this scenario, I would export a view including its statistics as a single VQL file and then, import the same VQL file into another Virtual DataPort server. In Virtual DataPort Administration tool, you could export a view by right-clicking the respective view and click on 'Export' option. In the export database window, ensure to select 'Include view statistics' checkbox which will include the statistics gathered for the views and import this VQL in another Virtual DataPort server by referring [Importing Metadata Into a Server]( section of Virtual DataPort Administration Guide. You can have a look at [Exporting the Server Metadata]( section of Virtual DataPort Administration Guide for more information. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
14-02-2018 07:57:01 -0500
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