Hope you are doing well.
VQL Date and time functions typically rely on the date and time formatting system of Java. That is, taking in consideration different factors such as the first week of the year in which typically considers the first day of the first month of a year or the minimal days required to be considered a week; for instance, a week must be full, that is having 7 days . Therefore, depending on previous considerations day 1 of the year may be considered to belong to the previous year. In addition, the locale of view (i.e., local [internalization]( settings,i18n ) and query plays a role in determining the first day of the week (e.g., Sunday or Monday).
Using above mentioned examples:
SELECT formatdate('dd.MM.yyyy',to_date('yyww',2203),'WW') FROM dual();
SELECT formatdate('dd.MM.yyyy',to_date('yyww',2103),'WW') FROM dual();
In my case, Sunday is the first day of the week and the first week of the year has the first day of the first month of a year.
Returned results are:
Following [reference]( elaborates on above explanation.
Hope this helps !