Denodo provides import and export scripts, as part of the "Denodo Tools", very useful for exporting and importing metadata.
They are located at $DENODO_HOME/bin folder.
Use the following syntax to import the metadata of a VQL file into one or more Servers:
import --file <input filename>
[ --properties-file <properties file name>]
{ [ --server <server URI>
| --servers-file <servers file>
[ --singleuser ]
--file <input filename>: Path to the file that contains the metadata to be imported.
--properties-file: Path to the properties file with the values of the parameters that depend on the environment where the Server is running.
--server <server URI>: URI of the Server, using the following syntax: <server URI> = host:port/database?user@password[&queryTimeout=value][&chunkTimeout=value][&chunkSize=value].
--servers-file <servers file>: Instead of using the parameter –-server, you can provide the path to a file containing URIs of Virtual DataPort Servers.
--singleuser: If present, the file generated will begin with the statement ENTER SINGLE USER MODE and end with EXIT SINGLE USER MODE, so that Virtual DataPort switches to single user mode while importing this file. Note: you are strongly advised to import metadata into a Virtual DataPort server in single user mode.
import -–singleuser --file export.vql --server "localhost:9999/admin?admin@admin1"
For more detailed information about these scripts and all their parameters, see Section 14.3 USING THE IMPORT/EXPORT SCRIPTS FOR BACKUP AND/OR REPLICATION, of the DataPort Administration Guide.
Hope this helps.