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Using an Import script wrapper in Linux using the VQL and Properties files as parameters

I would like to use the script in Linux to load my VQL metadata information along with a Properties file that stores certain environment variables. Is there anywhere I can find cope samples using the mport script? For example, the following code in the Wrapper script (from Linux) which invoes the script (my variables are the $VQLFILEHOME and $CONFIGFILEHOME which assigned in the Wrapper script): if [ -a "$JAVA_BIN" ] then "$JAVA_BIN" $JAVA_OPTS -classpath "$CLASSPATH" \ -f $VQL_FILE_HOME/*.vql -pf $CONFIG_FILE_HOME/*.cfg else echo "Unable to execute $0: Environment variable JAVA_HOME must be set and exported" fi Are there any code samples I can use to help me further understand the Import script. The examples in the VDL Admin Guide (section 19.3.2) are not helpful for Linux/Unix implementations.
21-10-2016 19:49:28 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, The import script uses the same parameters for the Linux and Windows script, so the section you described should apply to your environment. The only difference is that you use the in Linux, and the import.bat file in Windows. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
24-10-2016 16:03:30 -0400
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