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Integrating Denodo with ArcGIS Online via GeoJSON

Hello, i'm trying to develop a koop provider to be able to consume denodo data from ArcGIS. I opted for the Koop Sample app template to install it . I followed the Denodo "Integrating Denodo with ArcGIS Online via GeoJSON" tutorial thoroughly to set up my provider but i can't seem to successfully manage to create my ArcGIS webservices. I'm not sure where does the problem exactly come from. Does the denodo tutorial for creating a provider apply to Koop CLI only or is it suitable for Koop Sample App as well?
07-03-2024 05:01:48 -0500

1 Answer

Hi, I recommend verifying the Koop file structure contains the two mandatory files: **src/index.js** and **src/model.js** For **src/index.js** please ensure keys are specified as follow: type: 'provider', name: 'denodo', Model: require('./model'), version: require('../package.json').version Note that ArcGIS Online will discontinue HTTP support, and references to HTTP URLs will no longer function. Hence, you must enable **HTTPS** on your server to use the **ArcGIS Web Service** in ArcGIS Online. To enable SSL in all Denodo Platform modules and the Solution Manager, including the web container (Apache Tomcat), please refer to the [Denodo SSL/TLS Configurator Script]( guide. Additionally, for instructions on how to enable HTTPS in Denodo you can refer to [Enabling HTTPS in the Embedded Apache Tomcat]( Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
08-03-2024 13:21:35 -0500
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