The VCS documentation is not all that clear, especially when it comes to environment management. When using VCS with several environments, we see that Denodo checks in a *.properties* file for each environment, containing only their name and description.
An object that is checked in (e.g. a data source) results in several files: a VQL file (obviously), a ** file and a properties file for the environment used to check in the object (e.g. *<object_name>.dev,properties*).
What is unclear for me:
1. Do the environment property files (e.g. **) have any function?
2. The fact that there are separate *.properties* files for each object, does that mean that we need to (manually) create and check-in additional *.properties* files for the other environments?
Say that we have 3 environments:
- *dev* (development)
- *val* (validation)
- *prod* (production)
If we check in our data source (e.g. *Source_ERP*) from the *dev* environment, we end up with:
- *Source_ERP.vql*
- **
- **
If we use the feature *Import Remote Database* in the *val* environment, it will still have the properties from the *dev* environment.
Even more, if we check it out again after importing, Denodo will complain that it couldn't find a *.properties* file for our *val* environment for the object *Source_ERP*.
Do we:
- Check in the (unmodified) metadata again from the *val* environment to have Denodo create a **?
- Manually create a ** file and modify it to overwrite the property values from the *dev* environment?
- I know it is a recommended practise to use VCS in one environment and then perform an export/import to the other environments, but we have a case requiring us to use VCS for all environments.
- We're using Denodo 6.0