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Environment management with Version Control (TFS specifically)

The VCS documentation is not all that clear, especially when it comes to environment management. When using VCS with several environments, we see that Denodo checks in a *.properties* file for each environment, containing only their name and description. An object that is checked in (e.g. a data source) results in several files: a VQL file (obviously), a ** file and a properties file for the environment used to check in the object (e.g. *<object_name>.dev,properties*). What is unclear for me: 1. Do the environment property files (e.g. **) have any function? 2. The fact that there are separate *.properties* files for each object, does that mean that we need to (manually) create and check-in additional *.properties* files for the other environments? Say that we have 3 environments: - *dev* (development) - *val* (validation) - *prod* (production) If we check in our data source (e.g. *Source_ERP*) from the *dev* environment, we end up with: - *Source_ERP.vql* - ** - ** If we use the feature *Import Remote Database* in the *val* environment, it will still have the properties from the *dev* environment. Even more, if we check it out again after importing, Denodo will complain that it couldn't find a *.properties* file for our *val* environment for the object *Source_ERP*. Do we: - Check in the (unmodified) metadata again from the *val* environment to have Denodo create a **? - Manually create a ** file and modify it to overwrite the property values from the *dev* environment? Notice: - I know it is a recommended practise to use VCS in one environment and then perform an export/import to the other environments, but we have a case requiring us to use VCS for all environments. - We're using Denodo 6.0
06-03-2018 04:57:03 -0500

1 Answer

Hi, When you create an environment, a .property file named like the environment will be created automatically and the file contains the environment’s name and description which is checked into the VCS repository configured for the Virtual DataPort server. For each environment, seperate .property file will be generated. You can have a look at the following section of Virtual DataPort Administration Tool which clearly explains the scenario when using the integration with a Version Control System and also recommended usage: * [Scenarios And Recommended Uses]( Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
09-03-2018 07:33:16 -0500
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