The main difference between the TRANSFER and SHA512 algorithm is that TRANSFER is a special token used in Denodo mainly for internal Denodo components. Whereas, the SHA512 algorithm is used to encrypt the user password and the encrypted password is then stored in the server as a SHA512 hash.
To create the user with encrypted passwords, TRANSFER can be used along with the CREATE USER statement. For example, Use the following syntax in the VQL shell to use the encrypted password of the user using TRANSFER:
**CREATE OR REPLACE USER <username> ‘<encrypted-clear-user-password>’ ENCRYPTED TRANSFER ‘<user-description>’;
Here, for <username> specify the username and for <encrypted-clear-user-password>, execute the ENCRYPT_PASSWORD command and specify the encrypted password.
**ENCRYPT_PASSWORD ‘<user_password>’
To create the user with encrypted or clear passwords, the SHA512 algorithm can be used with CREATE USER statement. For example, Use the following syntax in the VQL shell to create a user with an encrypted password using SHA512:
**CREATE OR REPLACE USER <username> ‘<hashed-user-password>’ ENCRYPTED SHA512 ‘<user-description>’;
Similarly, for <username> specify the user name and for <hashed-user-password>, execute the ENCRYPT_PASSWORD command and specify the encrypted password.
To create the user with clear passwords, use the below syntax in the VQL shell:
**CREATE OR REPLACE USER <username> ‘<clear-user-password>’ SHA512 ‘<user-description>’;
For detailed information, take a look at the [Managing Users](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/latest/en/vdp/vql/creating_databases_users_roles_and_access_privileges/managing_users/managing_users#managing-users) section of the Virtual DataPort VQL Guide.
Hope this helps!