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Please share how to export resource manager plans and rules in denodo 7

Please share how to export resource manager plans and rules in denodo 7 we didn't see this option in export or exprort database. Please suggest.
06-12-2021 11:55:17 -0500

1 Answer

Hi, In order to export the Resource manager plans and rules, you could use the server export option in the Denodo Platform. To do the export, you could navigate to the** File** > **Export** option in the Virtual DataPort Administration Tool. Once done, in the exported VQL file under the** “RESOURCE MANAGER PLANS”** and **“RESOURCE MANAGER RULES”** section, you could find the VQL for rules and plans respectively. For more information, you can take a look at the [Exporting the Server Metadata]( section in the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide. Hope this helps!!
Denodo Team
07-12-2021 03:42:10 -0500
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