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Automatically Updating Column Names

So, we have the following layers that we have built in Denodo: [[BOTTOM]] --Base views (tables from data source) --Derived views (again, the tables) --Combined views (formatted tables) --Service views (tables rearranged to data objects) --REST Web Services [[TOP]] We are wanting to change some column names in the combined views layer to reflect our new naming conventions our business now has. It'd be nice to have the column name changes reflected in the service views and services layer as well. So far we have been unsuccessful in finding a way for the column name changes to "trickle up" to the next two layers. Is there a way to configure Denodo to have columns in "higher" layers change automatically? For example, we would like to update table x's column name from person#1 to person_sharing_house in the combined views layer and have Denodo automatically change this column name from person#1 to person_sharing_house in the service views and services layer.
29-03-2017 15:51:37 -0400

2 Answers

Hi, When you implement a top down design, I would recommend you to create an interface view where you could define the fields and associate service views as implementation view of the interface. Then you can publish the interface view as rest web service. You can view the videos “[Creating Interface Views]( ” and “[Implementing an Interface View]( ” to know more about Interface view. Alternatively, I would also suggest you to try the following steps to rename the column and propagate the changes to dependent views. 1. Export the REST Web Services in VQL file with dependencies. 2. Open the exported VQL file in the notepad, rename the column name by using the find and replace option. 3. Save the changes. 4. Import the VQL file into Virtual DataPort Administration tool. 5. Redeploy the REST Web Services. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
31-03-2017 07:05:27 -0400
Hi, Just to clarify, I believe we have a "bottom-up" design. So, the REST Web Services is the top layer in our design. So really, this is what we have: [[Application]] [[TOP]] –REST Web Services –Service views (tables rearranged to data objects) –Combined views (formatted tables) –Derived views (again, the tables) –Base views (tables from data source) [[BOTTOM]] [[SQL Database]] The base views is the bottom layer that connects to a SQL database. I'm asking if I change the column names in the combined views layer if there's a way to have those changes automatically propogate through to the services layer. With the answer you gave I'm unsure how this would happen, unless you're saying that the changes made to the REST Web Services would be reflected down to the dependent views? With my example given, changes made to the REST Web Service will be reflected down to my dervied views?
31-03-2017 10:43:31 -0400
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