Looking at this error, I think user configured for managing the Cache Database doesn't have enough **privileges** in order to create a new table for caching the view.
In this situation, you could set a higher log level such as **DEBUG** or **TRACE** and check the **vdp.log** file under the “<DENODO_HOME>\logs\vdp” directory to find additional information regarding the error.
To change the log level, execute the below query in the VQL Shell of the Virtual DataPort Administration Tool:
`call logcontroller('com.denodo.vdb.cache', 'trace')`
You could refer to Knowledge Base Article[ Best Practices to Maximize Performance III: Caching](https://community.denodo.com/kb/en/view/document/Best%20Practices%20to%20Maximize%20Performance%20III:%20Caching) for more information.
Additionally, if you still need help and if you are a valid support user then you can raise a support case on[ Denodo Support Site](https://support.denodo.com/) so that our support team can help you.
Hope this helps!