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Does Denodo have the function to shcdule exporting data from a view and send to a share folder?

Does Denodo have the function to shcdule exporting data from a view and send to a share folder? We want to export data from a view frequentl as schduled, can we do such with some denodo functions?
18-08-2022 09:05:50 -0400

3 Answers

Hello, In order to export the result of a scheduler job, the path of the output file can be modified in the [Exporters section](,Exporters%20Section,-In%20Denodo%20Scheduler) of the job. Please refer to the [Changing the output location for CSV exporter](,Changing%20the%20output%20location%20for%20CSV%20exporter,-Applies%20to%3A) knowledge base article for instructions on defining the file export path and the [Accessing network drives from Denodo Virtual DataPort](,Accessing%20network%20drives%20from%20Denodo%20Virtual%20DataPort,-Applies%20to%3A) knowledge base article for instructions on making Network drives accessible from Virtual DataPort. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
19-08-2022 10:03:00 -0400
CAn I understand the exporting result here you mean is to eport views data? I know we can export metadata from schdule jobs for dv views, but what we want to is export business data from views, like the result frrm vql running on top of a view. Thanks
19-08-2022 10:35:41 -0400
Hello, In order to extract data and export the results of a particular view, eg: dv_test, you can create VDP type [Scheduler job](,Creating%20a%20Denodo%20Scheduler%20Job,-Applies%20to%3A) in the Scheduler Administration Tool. In the [Extraction section](,VDP%20Extraction%20Section,-To%20configure%20the) of the VDP type job, * In the Extraction Section>Parameterized query option, you can insert queries to extract data from dv_test, eg: `select * from dv_test where <fieldname> = '<value>'` and configure the exporter section as mentioned in the previous comment. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
19-08-2022 11:15:23 -0400
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