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Denodo logical expressions

Hello, I am being asked to create an Interface having following features 1st field: Only posible value are: 'I' and 'A' 2nd field: This would be a column in view. Populate as NULL 3rd Field: Should be 3 character code. 4th Field: Length of this column in view should be of 3 chars. 5th Field: Derivation Logic: Cust Number|ADR_LN_1_TXTIADR_LN_2_TXTIADR_LN_3_TXT 6th Field: Active or Inactive based on status of field(would be inactive for both soft- delete and inactive cases) 7th field: Only possible value for this column should be 'O' So the way I Followed is first I created an Interface Now to implement these fields I created a selection on the basis of these condition I added my expressions to their fields using Case conditions Is this the right approach or there is another way to approach this.
29-06-2015 05:44:32 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, When creating interfaces in Denodo you are allowed to define the attributes and their data types. Therefore, quality rules and transformation policies should be done at the implementation view (the one you drag into the implementation tab of the interface view). I guess this is the approach you are following. Cheers.
Denodo Team
29-06-2015 13:58:41 -0400
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