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Restriction User From Creating More View

I would like to know is there any possible way to restriction a user (newly created or existing one) when creation views. Example: a user " trainer" who have create, read, write privileges. but need to restriction the user from creating more than 5 view.
22-06-2020 08:52:27 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, For this scenario on restricting user to create not more than certain number of views, I would [develop custom Stored Procedure]( and the Denodo Platform provides examples of stored procedures and their source code. They are located in <DENODO_HOME>/samples/vdp/storedProcedures. The README file in this path contains instructions to compile and install them. Additionally, if you still need help and if you are a valid Support User, you may open a Support Case at the [Denodo Support Site]( and the Support Team will help you. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
23-06-2020 06:35:39 -0400
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