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Kerberos with hive connection

Hello, Please provide me pointers on how to connect to a kerberized hadoop cluster via Hive. I am using Denodo Express edition 6.0 Hortonworks data platform 2.3 Hive 0.12 Thanks in advance
12-08-2016 06:49:10 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, Denodo can connect to Hive using Kerberos authentication via JDBC. In your case you have to select Hive 0.12.0 (HiveServer2) as Database adapter. Then, in the Database URI reference to the Hadoop cluster including the url property "principal" with the Kerberos principal for Hive. Finally, if you have configured the VDP Server for using Kerberos you can check the "Pass-through session credentials" option as well. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
18-08-2016 09:11:30 -0400
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