Generally the values in interpolation variables are passed as strings. If I need to pass dynamic values in the interpolation variables, I would follow the below steps:
* I would create a new HTTP/JSON datasource named ‘ds_sample’ with the base URL as mentioned below:
> <BASE_URL>/values?Start=@start&End=@end
* After saving the data source , I would create a base view, **‘bv_sample’** over the **‘ds_sample’** source.
* Then, I would create a new view named **‘dates’** with two fields **‘Start’** and **‘End’** with the field expression formatdate('yyyy-MM-dd', addday(now(), -1)) for Start and formatdate('yyyy-MM-dd', now()) for End fields.
* I would create a [Join view](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en/vdp/administration/creating_derived_views/creating_join_views/creating_join_views) for the two base views ‘dates’ and ‘bv_sample’ and I would join the fields **dates.start,dates.end and bv_sample.start, bv_sample.end** respectively.
* Finally, on executing the join view the results of the query matching the given conditions will be retrieved.
Hope this helps!