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Scheduler admin webtool not launching?

What does this mean? 0 [Thread-0] INFO 20160623195027424 com.denodo.tomcat.manager.TomcatManager - Tomcat script launched with value 0 33529 [Thread-0] INFO 20160623195100953 com.denodo.tomcat.manager.TomcatManager - Maximun number of retries reached... Tomcat remains stopped.
23-06-2016 19:59:16 -0400

1 Answer

Hello, This message means that the internal Tomcat web container did not start properly. One reason this can occur is if another process is running on the same port of the web container, or the port is not open. You can start the web container by executing: webcontainer start; in the VQL shell of the VDP Adminitration Tool and to check the current state of the web container you can run: webcontainer status;
Denodo Team
24-06-2016 14:35:59 -0400
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