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How to have all view statistics regarding to how many times queries have been thrown to each view

I would like to know how to have all view statistics regarding to how many times queries have been thrown to each view.
29-11-2020 21:57:27 -0500

1 Answer

Hi, To obtain the user statistics information, I would use the "Usage of Views" option available in the Data Catalog. It will show usage statistics of the views by analyzing the usage data collected by Denodo Virtual DataPort. This feature requires some preparation steps(i.e., enabling the [Usage Statistics]( option available in the Personalization) , that can be performed by an administrator user. You can take a look at the [Usage of Views]( section of the Data Catalog Guide for more information. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
01-12-2020 06:39:27 -0500
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