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Can you help me know about how to use a custom data source in custom function?

I want to connect with an external system which I plan to connect using a Custom Wrapper to use pass through credentials. The external system exposes some functionalities which I want to use as Custom Functions. How can I use a Custom Wrapper in Custom Functions so that, 1) I can use pass through credentials without passing the username/password to custom function 2) Custom function remains pure in its functionality i.e. it does not connect with the external system but just use its functionality. Please shed some light on how can different functionalities of the external system be exposed. Please note that the external system does not hold any data but is used only for data transformation.
06-12-2016 08:28:25 -0500

1 Answer

Hi! I think it’s possible to delegate custom functions to JDBC data sources but not to custom wrappers. I’d implement the custom functions accessing directly to the source but you will need to pass the credentials to the function. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
12-12-2016 06:57:39 -0500
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