Followed the instructions given in the below link to connect to Denodo from Python using JDBC driver.
Getting below error while connecting to Denodo. This happenes while executing connection (cnxn) string.
Is there and issue with arguments ? Is **jars** keyword in python ? Could you pls advise on this asap ?
***TypeError: function takes at most 1 non-keyword argument***
import jaydebeapi as dbdriver
import csv,pyodbc as dbdriver,pyodbc,pandas as pd
from socket import gethostname
from datetime import datetime
from socket import gethostname
denodoserver_name = "11..10.."
denodoserver_jdbc_port = "9999"
denodoserver_database = "****"
denodoserver_uid = "****"
denodoserver_pwd = "****"
denododriver_path = "C:\\Virtual DataPort Administration Tool of Denodo Platform-8.0\\tools\\client-drivers\\jdbc\\denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver.jar"
denodo_class_path = "com.denodo.vdp.jdbc.Driver"
client_hostname = gethostname()
useragent = "%s-%s" % (dbdriver.__name__,client_hostname)
conn_uri="jdbc:denodo://%s:%s/%s?userAgent=%s"%(denodoserver_name, denodoserver_jdbc_port, denodoserver_database, useragent)
**cnxn = dbdriver.connect( "com.denodo.vdp.jdbc.Driver",conn_uri,driver_args = {"user": denodoserver_uid,"password": denodoserver_pwd}, jars=denododriver_path)**
query = "select * from bv_dimdate"
df_dqlserver = pd.read_sql(query, con = cnxn)