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Incremental cache mode

Hello team, i have a blocking point regarding the incremental cache. as i red on the manual the full incremental is only used on base views , in my case my base view needs a token to be lanched , so whenever a schdeuled the cache the acces token is needed to run the request. we have sysmoddate field that we will use to campare to lastupodatedcache date. thank you in advance for the help.
28-10-2021 13:29:32 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, To access data from source with access tokens, you can configure the data source with **OAuth 2.0 authentication**. For scheduling incremental cache loads for base views with token validation, you could follow the below steps: 1. Create a [JSON]( or [XML]( data source with Data route as **HTTP Client** and under the **Authentication section**, configure OAuth 2.0. You can take a look at the [HTTP Path]( section of the Virtual DataPort VQL Guide for more information on configuring OAuth or other types of authentication. 1. Create a [base view]( and configure the[ incremental cache mode]( with the condition like **‘last_modified’ > ‘@LASTCACHEREFRESH’**. 1. Then in the Scheduler Administration tool, create a [VDPcache]( job to perform the cache load. Additionally, if you need further assistance and if you are a user with valid support access, create a support case in [Denodo Support Site]( so that our support team will assist you. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
29-10-2021 08:26:45 -0400
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