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Excel ODBC Driver limitations

Request for clarification regarding points on the Denodo Reference manual. > The Excel ODBC driver provided by Microsoft Windows has some limitations: > > It cannot delete data from Excel spreadsheets. It can only query them and append more data. > > The Excel driver of Microsoft Excel 2003 or earlier, can execute only one query simultaneously. This can be a problem if we are combining data from the same Excel file. > > The newer versions of the Excel driver do not have this limitation. Which limitation does "The newer versions of the excel driver do not have this limitation" refer to? Is both limitations or just the bottom one?
19-07-2018 21:45:18 -0400

1 Answer

Hi, For establishing connections to Excel files, I’d strongly recommend to use Excel as a data source option. In [Excel Sources]( of the Denodo documentation you can find a detailed description on how to create Excel data sources. The limitation referred to is the bottom one. So, Excel drivers versions newer than 2003 can execute multiple queries simultaneously. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
23-07-2018 07:22:19 -0400
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