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Connecting to Webservice Published by Microstrategy Reports

Hi Denodo Team, We are trying to read Webservice source published by MSTR Reports and we are using Denodo 5.0. We are able to connect to Webservice but not able to extract the report data from the webservice. It is asking for the Session details of the report in the authentication. Can you please suggest how to provide the Session details or is there any other way to read Webserice of MSTR. Thanks & Regards, Nischit
13-02-2015 04:51:50 -0500

3 Answers

Hi, can you give me more details about the specific error? what is the authentication type for your Web Service?
Denodo Team
13-02-2015 09:42:18 -0500
Hi Denodo Team, We have used "HTTP NTLM" for authentication to connect web service data source. In the "SimpleExecutereport" to creaet base view after providing the authentication details we are getting an error saying - session details prvoded is wrong. how can we get the session information of the webservice is there any function to be called to this info. Question here is - 1. Can we connect to MSTR webservice ? 2. If 'YES' - which authentication to use , will denodo can connect to webservice via Asynchronous request. Regards, Nischit
 Edited on: 28-07-2017 05:35:22 -0400
Hello, I'm not a MSTR expert but checking the documentation at the login information is passed directly in the input parameters of the web service. And in there are listed more operations, some of them are used to manage the user session. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
17-02-2015 11:09:18 -0500
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