I am not sure whether you want to check if the latest data is available when you query a cached view through a scheduled job, but if you are trying to use full cache for your views, you can get the latest data by using the full incremental option. ‘Incremental Queries’ work by merging in real-time the data cached for a view, with the data from the source that has been either added or updated since the last time the cache was refreshed. This way, Denodo can return fully up to date results, without needing to retrieve the full result set from the data source (only the rows added/changed from the last cache refresh). In order to use this option, there are several requirements that must be met. You can read more on this in the[ Incremental Queries](https://community.denodo.com/kb/view/document/Incremental%20Queries%20in%20Denodo?category=Performance+%26+Optimization#h.y3diu37wu1md) document.
If you need to get some info about the status of the cache or the last refreshed data, you can get this info through JMX. More on this can be found in the [Information on the Cache](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/latest/vdp/administration/monitoring_the_virtual_dataport_server/monitoring_with_a_java_management_extensions_jmx_agent/information_on_the_cache) document.
Hope it helps!