In order to have the **Query (non parameterized)** option available in the extraction section of the VDPCache jobs, you can do the following:.
For example: If you create a VDPCache type job over the test_view,
* In the query conditions box, write **test_log_id > ‘@maxid’** (which is comparing the field test_log_id to an interpolation variable @maxid which can be used for dynamic values)
* then an add data source option will appear below, once you choose the data source, the data source, **Query (non parameterized)**, and mappings option will be available.
Please refer to [VDPCache Extraction Section](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/latest/en/scheduler/administration/creating_and_scheduling_jobs/configuring_new_jobs/vdpcache_extraction_section#:~:text=VDPCache%20Extraction%20Section-,VDPCache%20Extraction%20Section,-To%20configure%20the) documentation for guidelines.
In your scenario, the above can be achieved by creating a view from query, and refreshing the cache ,for example, VQL shell:
**Create view test_view1 as (select * from test_view where test_log_id>(select max(test_log_id) from test_view))**
From my understanding of the question, the max(test_log_id) and test_log_id refers to the same view test_view, then you will get 0 records when cache is updated, it is possible to pass dynamic values by using interpolation variables.
Interpolation variables can store dynamic values, you can refer to the [Parameters of Derived Views](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en/vdp/administration/creating_derived_views/creating_selection_views/creating_selection_views#parameters-of-derived-views:~:text=of%20type%20getSumRevenuebyTaxIds_IN0-,Parameters%20of%20Derived%20Views,-A%20view%20can) documentation on how to use interpolation variables as parameters and in where clause.
In case you need any further assistance and If you have a valid support account, I recommend opening a support case on the [Denodo Support Site](https://support.denodo.com/).
Hope this helps!