Hi Team,
Product Name: Virtual DataPort 7.0 (Express)
Hive Version: Hive v1.1.0
CDH (Cloudera Distribution Hadoop): v 5.13.0
Database Adapter : Hive 2.0.0 (HiveServer2)
Driver Class path : 'hive-2.0.0'
Driver Class : org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
Database Url : jdbc:hive2://xxx.xx.xx.xxx:8888/denodo
Login :xxx
Pass :xxx
Extracted the Cloudera_HiveJDBC4_2.5.4.1006.zip files on below path -
I'm trying to connect with Hive on Big data(hadoop) using JDBC driver and getting failed as beloow message -
"Unable to establish connection: The JDBC driver was not found. The Denodo Platform does not include the JDBC driver for this adapter.
Copy the jar files of the driver to the folder "<DENODO_HOME>/lib-external/jdbc-drivers/hive-2.0.0", in the host where the Virtual DataPort server runs. You do not need to restart."
If i need to use hive version driver "hive-1.1.0" then please share the link to download the same version of hive jdbc drivers and also on local which folder I need to copy these drivers to get connect?
Please help.