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Using Denodo Views in SAS Enterprise Guide

Denodo platform 6.0 Good morning, I'm wondering if there's any documentation around best practices when querying Denodo views from a BI tool, specificallySAS Enterprise Guide. The main use case we're wondering about is joining a SAS data set to a Denodo view. We have Denodo libraries builit in SAS, but we're having some performance issues trying to utilize the views within SAS. Any documentation or direction would be helpful.
25-01-2017 08:36:27 -0500

4 Answers

Hi! I’ve found a document with recommendations that may be useful for your situation. You can take a look at it here: Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
27-01-2017 08:35:07 -0500
Thanks for the response, good resource to have. However I was wondering if there was more specific documentation around using SAS and Denodo together? Tips/tools to optimize view performance within SAS when utilizing a Denodo view.
27-01-2017 13:40:14 -0500
Hi Team, How do we build the Denodo Libraries in SAS. I am wanting to connect SAS to denodo, we have got the ODBC setup done. Whats the next setup
31-07-2018 06:35:29 -0400
Hi, Once you have configured the Denodo ODBC connection, you need to configure the connection on the SAS side. SAS provides an interface to access ODBC sources like Denodo. You can check how to configure SAS/ACCESS Interface and SAS Data Connector to ODBC in the SAS documentation and website. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
01-08-2018 12:44:54 -0400
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