In general, **‘Sync with VDP’ option in the Data Catalog facilitates synchronization of data with the Virtual DataPort Server**. The Virtual DataPort Administration Tool and the Web Design Studio both point to the Virtual DataPort Server. As a result, whatever the changes you made in the Web Design Studio/Virtual DataPort Administration Tool such as ‘Description’, ‘Renaming convention to the elements’, 'adding the elements' etc will synchronize with the Data Catalog after clicking the option **‘Sync with VDP’** under ‘**Administration’** section of the Data Catalog.
For more information you could refer to the section of the **[Synchronization with Virtual DataPort Server](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/8.0/en/vdp/data_catalog/administration/synchronize/synchronize)** under Data Catalog Guide.
Hope it helps!