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Not able to connect to Postgresql data source in "Denodo Training Quickstart Virtual Machine"

I am using Denodo Express 8. I am not able to connect to Postgresql data source in "Denodo Training Quickstart Virtual Machine". I did the VM configuration and Denodo Express installation and was not able to connect to any source with below error coming up : "Unable to Connect: I/O Error, Hostname not found". When I switched the host "denodo-demo-lite-vm" with the IP of the VM, in the JDBC URL, the oracle connection started working. However, the postgresql connection is still not working. JDBC URL used for connection: "jdbc:postgresql://<IP of the VM>:5432/warehouse_dimensions" Please help.
22-02-2024 04:43:09 -0500

1 Answer

Hello, Good day! I wanted to let you know that the DQVM has no Postgres DB. And I am very glad to let you know that you can check the data sources included in the DQVM in the section "Appendix: List of Data Sources included in the Virtual Machine" of the "[Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine - User Manual](" is available in the section "Virtual Machine Configuration (DEN80EDU00CONF02)" of the module "Configuration(DEN80EDU12DCONF)". If you have any further questions or concerns related to denodo training courses, please feel free to contact ******. Hope this helps. Thank you.
Denodo Team
26-02-2024 05:23:35 -0500
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