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Denodo 7.0 supports MySQL innoDB cluser 5.7?

Hi Team, The underlying Mysql is going to upgrade to EE innoDB 5.7 version. I am concerned about whether Denodo 7.0 supporets this architecture or not. We can connect with Mysql right now but really concern about the comapatibility of Denodo for innoDB. Please let us know what are the check points to be check from denodo end before upgrading the mysql. Thanks!
17-11-2021 01:03:47 -0500

1 Answer

Hi, Generally, the Denodo Platform 7.0 supports multiple versions of MySQL and it also supports the InnoDB version of clusters. One thing to note is to tune the indexes imported from InnoDB tables. For more details, you can refer to the “[Tuning the Imported Indexes Information for MySQL](” section under Virtual DataPort Administration Guide. In case you run into any problem and need further assistance you can reach out to Denodo support by raising a support case on[ Denodo Support Site]( Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
17-11-2021 06:19:01 -0500
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