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Java heap space Issue

Hi Team, While consuming a paginated API with around 75K records, getting the 'Java heap space Issue'. Under Config->JVM-> The current Virtual Data port Admin tool value is : -XMx1024m We are running the same on a VD with 8 GB RAM. Can you advise how much should we increase so that we would be able to accomodate all the records. As part of this implementation, we also have another API with more than 5 lakh records, please extrapolate the same and advise so that everything can be accomodated. At present, we are getting o/p upto 72K record, any other API with records >75k , getting the Java heap issue. Awaiting for your response ! Kindly reply ASAP
23-09-2021 10:55:22 -0400

2 Answers

Team, requesting for some advise on the issue, following up on the same !
24-09-2021 01:49:45 -0400
Hi, Generally, there are different recommended settings for the JAVA Heap Memory. The scenarios and the settings are given as follows: * Recommended settings for the JVM when Denodo Platform needs to deal with huge datasets: * At least 4GB * Recommended settings for the JVM in memory-demanding scenarios: * Heap size lesser than 16GB * Recommended settings for the JVM in real time scenarios * Heap size lesser than 8GB Hence, you could configure the memory heap setting accordingly to the above scenarios. Also please refer to [Denodo Admin and Development Best Practices]( Knowledge Base article for further information. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
24-09-2021 05:49:23 -0400
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