Hi again team,
I have this list in the "Delegate Scalar Functions" text box (and also have the checkbox checked):
abs, acos, addday, addhour, addminute, addmonth, addsecond, addweek, addyear, ascii, asin, atan, case, cast, ceil, coalesce, concat, cos, cot, current_date, degrees, div, exp, firstdayofmonth, firstdayofweek, floor, getday, getdayofweek, getdayofyear, getdaysbetween, gethour, getmillisecond, getminute, getmonth, getsecond, gettimeinmillis, getweek, getyear, instr, lastdayofmonth, lastdayofweek, len, ln, log, lower, ltrim, max, min, mod, mult, nextweekday, now, nullif, position, pow, power, previousweekday, radians, rand, regexp, removeaccents, repeat, replace, round, rtrim, sign, sin, sqrt, substr, substring, subtract, sum, tan, textcat, textconstant, trim, upper
I don't know so why I'm getting that function not being delegated.... That's wierd... Is there any other thing I may check that can be preventing me to delegate the function?
Thanks again!