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Denodo addmonth equivalent

Hi I have a teradata condition as: select (EXTRACT(MONTH FROM ADD_MONTH(DATE , 0) -6) FROM TABLE_NAME. what will be the equivalent of this query in denodo, as denodo is throwing error Thanks
27-11-2023 04:09:59 -0500

3 Answers

Hi, This appears to be very similar to a previously answered question: Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
28-11-2023 19:46:06 -0500
Hi, The solution given there does not match the output Im looking for. Im current passsing it as: select (EXTRACT(MONTH FROM ADD_MONTH(DATE , -6) FROM TABLE_NAME. And this is not giving the expected result. Please do let me know how the syntax for the above query will be as Thanks
17-12-2023 03:41:08 -0500
Hi, Are you getting an incorrect result or an error from the output? I noticed that the query here appears to have mismatched parentheses - your query with corrected syntax might look something like: `SELECT EXTRACT (MONTH FROM ADDMONTH(DATE,-6)) FROM TABLE_NAME` Otherwise, you may find [Teradata SQL to Denodo VQL Quick Reference]( in the Knowledge Base useful for this situation. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
21-12-2023 13:51:39 -0500
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