In order to include jars in the **Create Revision from VQL** file when using the REST API of Solution Manager, please follow the below steps:
* [Export](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/vdp/administration/exporting_and_importing_the_server_metadata/exporting_the_server_metadata/exporting_the_server_metadata#export-dialog) the revision element from the Virtual DataPort Administration by checking the option **Include Jars** in your export dialog. While exporting, always ensure to generate the VQL file with specific environment properties separately. That is, in the export dialog you need to check the option **Export environment specific properties separately** otherwise deploying the revision will trigger unexpected results.
* Convert the VQL file content to base64 format encoded in UTF-8.
* Copy-paste the converted output in POST body request for content.
Regarding your question on how to feed the properties file through a request, the properties file needs to be included in the target environment within the Solution Manager Administration Tool. The properties will be validated during deployment of the created revision.
You may refer to the section [Configuring Virtual DataPort Properties](https://community.denodo.com/docs/html/browse/7.0/solution_manager/administration/environments/configuring_environments/configuring_vdp_properties#configuring-virtual-dataport-properties) of Solution Manager Administration Guide for more information on this topic.
So in your POST body request, you will include only the name of the revision, description of the revision and the VQL file content not the properties file.
Hope this helps!