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License Manager - Free license in grace period

Hi, I am looking for a way to delete servers in the grace period (only) from the license manager table. I have checked the API, but it only allows me to free all licenses from a given server (host, name). What I want is to manually free all licenses in the grace period. Additionally, is there a parameter we can set to configure the 5-day grace period? Thanks.
12-08-2024 09:42:37 -0400

2 Answers

Hi, You can manually free the licenses in the grace period by using the API for each server that has a license in the grace period. To check which servers have licenses that are in the grace period, you can go to the **Licenses > License Usages** menu in the Solution Manager Administration Tool, and check which licenses have a yellow dot in the **Status** column. For more information, you can check out the [License Usages Table]( section of the Solution Manager Administration Guide. Once you identify which servers have licenses that are in the grace period, you can use the API to free the license from each of them: `http://[LICENSE_MANAGER_HOST]:[LICENSE_MANAGER_PORT]/externalShutdown?nodeIp=&hostDomainName=[VDP_SERVER_HOST]&port=[VDP_SERVER_PORT]&product=VDP` You can find more information and examples about this API in the [Free License Usage]( section of the Solution Manager Administration Guide. As for the grace period, since it is a default setting within Denodo, it can't be changed at this time. Hope this helps!
Denodo Team
13-08-2024 16:14:54 -0400
Hello, Thanks for you response. However, in my case the same server has both states, a ready state and in grace_period one. So what I want is to delete only those who are in grace_period state not the ready one. Is there a way to do so ? If I call the API like so, I will delete the ones who are in runningéready state as well.
14-08-2024 08:31:03 -0400
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